The Bovis Group offers comprehensive specialized transport and installation solutions to meet the specific needs of its clients in France and internationally. With a network of specialized agencies and logistics hubs located in several countries, we ensure efficient distribution logistics for new products and manage reverse logistics for end-of-life equipment. Our services cover all stages, from collection and storage of equipment to last-mile delivery and installation, including positioning, leveling, and configuration to ensure optimal commissioning. With a varied fleet and adapted lifting equipment, we also carry out exceptional transport for heavy and bulky loads, ensuring maximum security and compliance with current regulations.
Distribution logistics for your new products, as well as reverse logistics for your end-of-life products, are specialized services. With its network of specialized agencies and logistics hubs in France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, and the UAE, the BOVIS Group is the ideal partner for organizing your deployments.
Our vehicles are perfectly adapted for this activity:
Our vehicle types:
We regularly invest in new-generation equipment and vehicles to meet the diverse needs of our clients. Here’s an overview of our fleet dedicated to exceptional transport:
The leading French company in our fields of expertise, we have a network of 40 branches ideally distributed across France as well as in Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, and the United Arab Emirates.
Medical Machines Delivered and Installed Annually